BBC Scotland, reporting the news that matters: One mad cow, one bad polis email, one unreliable stat, one black panther, maybe!


68 people like the idea of a black panther in Ayrshire?

Reporting Scotland continue to headline and to milk the one mad cow from Huntly. A reporter was sent to Boghead Farm to report that and I quote: ‘Bugger all has happened here all day! There will be no results for at least a month. OK, the farmer and his wife are ‘devastated’. That do for your story? It’s boring here. You said I’d get a real story to cover.’

Right, here’s a real biggy: ‘A temporary police officer has sent an email saying he doesn’t want just two female armed officers because the ‘testosterone balance ‘would be wrong.


‘ The email has two errors and, like Prof Robertson does with our errors, we’ve put (sic) after them. We doorstep the Justice Minister and get him to agree it’s bad. He smiles patiently, as you do with bairns, and says the Chief of Police will sort it out. Have BBC England ever done that with the Home Secretary? They’re too scared?’

Next: ‘Offences against disabled people are the most under-reported hate crimes in Scotland. It’s estimated that 93% of such incidents are not reported. Wait, are we not going to mention that other hate crimes based on religion and race are falling in Scotland yet soaring in England? It’s not newsworthy? Wait do we not need to source that claim of 93%? Won’t that Prof Robertson complain about us again like he did on the autism school suspensions thing?’


Finally: ‘A police warning to the folk of South or is East, Ayrshire telling them not to approach a black panther sighted in the fields near Drongan and Coalfield. They can be quite dangerous, the folk in those villages. Do we need to tell them not to approach a black panther? Mind you it must be getting on a bit that panther. It was first seen in 1969 during the peak of LSD consumption in the UK.’

OK Professor Smartypants, what’s wrong with these stories. What would you have reported on instead?

How about:

The Brexit threat to Edinburgh’s world-leading cancer research?

UK Government set to challenge Scottish court ruling that could prevent Brexit?

Mundell breaks ranks to air concerns over transition extension?

Why are murder and violent crime soaring in England and Wales but not in Scotland?

Margaret Fleming murder trial collapses?

Scottish ministers pile pressure on firms dodging modern slavery duties?

73% of Scots back increase in taxes for higher public spending?

Illegal killing of birds of prey falling fast in Scotland?

NHS England sent 154 eating disorder patients to Scotland?




6 thoughts on “BBC Scotland, reporting the news that matters: One mad cow, one bad polis email, one unreliable stat, one black panther, maybe!

  1. Ludo Thierry October 19, 2018 / 5:14 pm

    Is the Beeb’s Ayrshire Black Panther related to Herr Schroedinger’s cat (as mentioned in the previous post)? – Maybe the puir wee Ayrshire moggie is searching for an abandoned SNP Scottish Baby Box to hae a wee kip in?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Alasdair Macdonald October 20, 2018 / 9:43 am

    Did you see the video of the ‘panther’ shown of Reporting Scotland? It was obvious to anyone that it was a domestic cat – a pretty well-fed one. When I looked out of my kitchen window 10 minutes ago I thought I saw an albino panther in the back green, but then I saw it was a neighbour’s big white moggie doing its morning bowel evacuation.

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