Nearly 70% of Scotland’s electricity demand met from renewables


The main points:

  • Renewable electricity generation increased from 12 194GWh in the first six months of 2017 to 12 421GWh for the same period in 2018.
  • Increase of 8% in renewable projects coming on line.
  • At end of Q2 2018, there was 10 336 MW of installed renewables electricity capacity.
  • 69% of electricity demand in 2017/18, met from renewables

Other recent reports on growth in Scotland’s renewables energy sector:

More signs of a tidal surge in Scotland’s renewables industry

62% increase in Scottish community renewables projects since 2011 pushing well ahead of rUK

8% of the population and 25% of UK renewable generation.

World’s first renewables-powered hydrogen ferry to be built in Port Glasgow

Return of the meme? Only 8% of the population but Scotland has 21.7% of all independent renewable projects in the UK

Scotland surges toward 100% renewables electricity generation well ahead of target

Why Scotland’s huge renewable energy production may need no huge energy storage breakthrough to flourish

South East Asia can learn much from Scotland’s oil and renewables story

300 renewable energy jobs boom for North of Scotland expected at Nigg Energy Park

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