Scotsman announces: ‘Scotland in strong position to host first UK spaceport’. I hope this isn’t anti-English ‘whitabootery’ comparing our locations with theirs!



The Scotsman’s reporting isn’t all bad just quite lot of it is especially when its just a press release for her majesty’s loyal opposition, in Scotland. However, this optimistic report based on SNP MP, Dr Phillipa Whiteford’s comments has sneaked in next to all the recent fibs about NHS Scotland. Perhaps I’ve been unfair. Surely this means they’re balanced 😉?

Here’s a bit of what they say:

‘Scotland is in ‘a strong position’ to host the first UK spaceport and to capitalise further on commercial space activity, an MP has said ahead of a Westminster debate on the sector. Dr Philippa Whitford, whose Central Ayrshire constituency includes Prestwick Airport, said the second reading of the Space Industry Bill was another chance to highlight Scotland’s success in this sector, with 18 per cent of the UK industry based in Scotland and Glasgow now building more satellites than any other city in Europe.’

Other Scottish candidates include the A’Mhoine peninsula in Sutherland and Campbelltown in Argyll.

No harm to the other two but wouldn’t it take longer to get to them in the first place than for the actual space journey and much longer than for the satellite launches. My money’s on NotGlasgow Prestwick.

Mind you, maybe London makes more sense? Boris and the Gove are already wired to the moon and post-Brexit England could make good use of it for its new ‘lucrative’ trade arrangements with Timbuktu and Tierra del Fuego.

2 thoughts on “Scotsman announces: ‘Scotland in strong position to host first UK spaceport’. I hope this isn’t anti-English ‘whitabootery’ comparing our locations with theirs!

  1. johnrobertson834 January 17, 2018 / 10:06 am

    Don’t trust Prof Robertson on this one. He lives only 2 miles away from Prestwick and on a hill with a fine view of the proposed spaceport. Bias by location!


  2. Alan Gordon January 19, 2018 / 12:13 pm

    The two zoomers, Gove and BoJo with their moon connections, that tickled me.


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