The Prospectus for an Independent Scotland from Centre for Scottish Constitutional Studies

This positive forward-looking and imaginative report by Robert P Ingram, Ronald R Morrison, Gordon G Benton of the Centre for Scottish Constitutional Studies deserves wider attention than it is getting.



From one of the authors:

I was asked to take a look at an initial draft of ‘The Prospectus for an Independent Scotland’ and over the last three months got more involved in it that I ever imagined I would be. The sheer scope of the paper was limitless, and together, finally with some help from my daughter Shona, we finally put to bed what we hope will be an interesting and valuable draft discussion document, arguably for the first time setting out what would have to happen and what, with the Scottish people’s approval, what could happen after Scotland achieved its Independence. For many in Scotland at this extraordinary time in UK politics, this is not too far away.


It was increasingly clear from the media, especially the ‘readers letters’, that the Scottish voters were not at all sure what the prospects for a free Scotland would be, and in what form it would take. This Prospectus addresses 20 of the main issues, setting out the Authors’ ideas on what the future immediately after Independence would be and additionally, going to be.


I have attached a copy for your interest. Some of you may not, but many of you will have some interest in seeing in your lifetime an Independent Scotland, but whatever your political views, and whatever your particular interest (not to say real experience that can be brought to bear on different subjects), any constructive comments (positive or negative) would be most important. Critique  will have a significant impact on the final document proposals.


With Very Best Wishes, and hoping to hear from you shortly if find any of this of interest.



4 thoughts on “The Prospectus for an Independent Scotland from Centre for Scottish Constitutional Studies

  1. Indy Chas June 1, 2019 / 7:20 am

    Thanks for sharing the link. Wonder why it is not being advertised more.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gavin June 1, 2019 / 7:29 am

    It’ll be discussed on the Gordon Brewer show this morning—NOT.

    BBC and Radio Scotland are now wall-to-wall Tory/Dumb campaign outlets–“no questions, guys, just give us an anti-SNP smear, that we can run with”.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ludo Thierry June 3, 2019 / 4:32 pm

    Glad to hear St. Albans has successfully maintained its radical edge ever since Boudicca of the Iceni hammered the Roman imperialists at the sacking of Verulanium (modern day St. Albans if my memory is serving me well) all those centuries ago.


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