SNP blamed for standing by as NHS England vacancies run at more than three times those in NHS Scotland

Graph shows SNP failing to achieve Jenni Marra's target for NHS staffing of 20% more than any amount achieved

From NHS Improvement on the BT website today:

‘The number of NHS staff vacancies has increased and is expected to rise further by the end of year, new figures show. There were 107 743 vacancies in England at the end of June, up from 98,475 in March and bucking a downward trend seen in 2017/18, according to a quarterly report. Independent think tank The King’s Fund warned growing nurse shortages “risk becoming a national emergency” and are “symptomatic of a long-term failure in workforce planning”.’

Meanwhile in NHS Scotland, as of end 2017, there were 3369 vacancies.

England has ten times the population of Scotland so, all things being equal would have ten times as many NHS vacancies, 33 690. However, it has 107 743, more than three times as many.

Is the SNP anti-English? What more evidence do we need? What does Rhoda Grant think?


5 thoughts on “SNP blamed for standing by as NHS England vacancies run at more than three times those in NHS Scotland

  1. September 11, 2018 / 4:00 pm

    Best performing NHS in the UK, and still there not happy, and run with limited funds. What is wrong with unionists MP’s they vote for austerity at westmisnter and cut funding Scotland then blame the SNP you couldn’t write this stuff ?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Alasdair Macdonald September 11, 2018 / 5:09 pm

      There is a very harrowing story from Highland about a man who is paralysed from the neck down who has had his 24 hour round the clock care package reduced by Highland Health Board. The man is suffering from depression exacerbated by this. It is something which needs to be restored. It has been taken up by a local MSP. On GMS there was no overt criticism of the Health Board nor was any party political angle explored – it would have been self defeating if anyone had tried to do at this stage. However, I suspect it will be persisted with over several days and a ‘political’ angle will be brought in.

      Undoubtedly the man needs 24 hour care and it has to be restored asap.

      The whole thing really sits within the wider social care debate, which includes not only supporting elderly people in their own homes, but also the discharge of people from hospitals to free up beds. There was an interview with the CEO of an organisation which lobbies for enhanced care. He was absolutely superb and addressed the real political issue that we as an electorate really need to ‘give our politicians the courage to address this increasingly acute issue’. We really need to force them to debate the issue properly and to make consensual decisions about taxation and other resourcing. Sadly, I cannot see people like THE COLONEL, the ridiculous Wullie Rennie, or JackieBaillie/IainGray/JamesKelly etc participating meaningfully. People like Hugh Henry or Malcolm Chisholm would undoubtedly have grasped the nettle.

      So, I suspect that this heartbreaking case is being tee’d up for yet another attack on the NHS.

      Do you think that over the past week or so there has been a racking up of the anti SG rhetoric?

      PS and quite separately – last week Hayley Millar was interviewing Jackson Carlaw and at one stage she interrupted him. Immediately, without any reaction or response from Mr Carlaw, she apologised for interrupting him. This is the second time in recent months I have heard her interview this gentleman, interrupt and immediately apologise. Contrast that with Gillian Marles’ hectoring interview about SG funding for a weapon’s making company based in Fife. It was so bad that a PR company uses it as an example of how NOT to interview!

      Liked by 2 people

      • johnrobertson834 September 11, 2018 / 5:40 pm

        Racking-up, maybe. I’ll watch. If we got a date for Indeyref2 feel sure they’d go into overdrive.


  2. Robert Graham September 11, 2018 / 7:45 pm

    Marra the merchant of doom should have a word with Lordy Lordy Foulkes , what was it he said , the SNP are improving services just to make England look bad , and what’s more they are doing it on purpose , No it wasn’t a joke he really said that , not sure if he was sober at the time , not sure if he’s ever sober.

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