Despite Jenny Marra or because of Jenny Marra (?) I gave £20 to Alex Salmond’s fighting fund

As a motley crew of zombie Unionists gather to attack Alex Salmond, the stench of moral decay is overwhelming.

I haven’t written a defence of Alex Salmond, partly because others have already done so, but also because I thought it better to open up space for readers of this throbbing organ, Talking-up Scotland, to have their say. Go on. Inform me, educate, surprise me as you have done many times before.

Zombie trolls – don’t waste your time, I won’t allow anything offensive.


17 thoughts on “Despite Jenny Marra or because of Jenny Marra (?) I gave £20 to Alex Salmond’s fighting fund

  1. Andy Anderson August 30, 2018 / 8:23 am

    I have sympathy with AS and others in public life you have been targeted by British Nationalist numpties. My moto has always been ‘do unto others as you would wish yourself’

    Angry does not even come close.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Alasdair Macdonald August 30, 2018 / 8:30 am

    This is a sensible action by Mr Salmond. He is separating his personal matters from those of independence for Scotland. Most of the political opponents are, of course, trying to link the two. This speaks volumes about their concerns for the people who have made the complaints. The First Minister has handled this matter well, despite her personal loyalties.

    There are two matters which need to be separated and dealt with properly. Firstly, there is the investigation of the complaint and that should be free from any government or other political interference. Sexual harassment is wrong and we have to create an ethos where the persons who feel they have been harassed can make their concerns known and have them investigated. Secondly, there are the rights of the person or persons against whom the allegation has been made. This applies not only to matters of sexual harassment but to other forms of alleged bullying and misconduct. The person being accused has the right to due process.

    We have a principle of innocent until proved guilty. The actions of some in politics and in the media in this cases and in many cases in this and other areas seems to be that you are guilty until you are proved innocent and that even if you manage this, we will continually refer to it.

    I thought that Gary Robertson on GMS was pretty rigorous in his interviewing on this matter this morning. Compared to his fellow presenters, he has been head-and-shoulders above them in his journalistic rigour.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Contrary August 30, 2018 / 9:01 am

      Well said Alasdair, the media do not seem to see the irony of their condemnation of Alex is actually proving the point that something should be done to ensure fair process, everyone and anyone should have confidence that making a complaint is treated with total confidentiality – it doesn’t matter if this case has false accusations or not, it is the responsibility of the investigators (the permanent secretary in this case) to make the judgement and ensure that fairness. For the information to be leaked shows a serious breach and will put others off from making complaints, trial by media, by those that know nothing of the details, does not benefit anyone.

      Who ever leaked the info, and the civil service behaviour, appears to show that political point scoring has been used – how can anyone have trust in a system that will only use you to its own ends, complain at your peril!

      I only gave a tenner, to add support.

      Rumours have it SNP membership has increased again, so I do not think the political point scoring has worked well.

      Liked by 5 people

  3. bigjon999 August 30, 2018 / 8:35 am

    I se the media coverage of the accusations against Alex Salmond as the latest in a long line of attacks on the whole independence ideal.
    The increased desperation of the British (English?) Nationalist attacks makes me think they realise that they are losing the battle for hearts and minds. The deliberate BBC attempt at censorship of Wings over Scotland and Moridura is one, that failed, the leaking and media splurging over the accusations against Alex Salmond is the latest in a long line of trying to demonise him – and through him the wider concept of independence.
    Whenever the second independence referendum comes the distortions, innuendo and lies that the pro-UK/England media will vomit out will make the previous referendum seem like a walk in the park. Get ready for some serious propaganda strength BBC coverage and even lower standard “reporting” from Scotland’s newspapers.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. William Henderson August 30, 2018 / 9:26 am

    On a general point I find distressing the frequent use of vilification these days as a tool of political manoeuvring. The old adage about there being “no smoke without fire” is invoked without mercy by media intent on fulfilling their unstated agenda. There is no known defence against vilification since once it is issued it cannot be recalled.

    We see the technique in use all around us these days. Unverified accusations are printed in newspapers and broadcast on radio and TV and repeated ad nauseam until many, if not most, people are convinced that “there must be something in it”.

    It is dangerous to the extent that it can lead to a total perversion of justice. Who can be assured of a fair trial at law when strenuous efforts have been made to colour the views of ordinary people who may be called as jurors?

    Perhaps, when judging these matters for ourselves we should remember that yesterday it may have been, for example, Vladimir Putin, today it is Alex Salmond, but next it may easily be you or me.

    Attack by satire is one thing, but attack by the odious method of vilification is pernicious and should be rendered universally unacceptable.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Dunphail August 30, 2018 / 9:37 am

    I sincerely hope that a creep like Clegg ends up with allegations of misconduct against him when his employer has designed a retrospective procedure which makes it almost impossible to defend himself. These allegations are then leaked by colleagues of his accusers allowing a hostile press to conduct a trial by media. As a retired Union Rep who defended many colleagues at Discipline Hearings it is beyond me how such a unfair procedure could be approved by the Unions. If Westminster introduced a similar procedure half the House of Commons and most of the Lords including the innocent would be experiencing Trial by Media Clegg style. Like you I donated and would again should Alex decide to go after the Daily Redcoat in the Civil Courts

    Liked by 4 people

  6. johnrobertson834 August 30, 2018 / 9:44 am

    As expected, deep intelligent thoughts but lack of balance – why will no one defend poor Jenny Marra? Men!

    Liked by 2 people

    • John August 30, 2018 / 12:54 pm

      You must be joking , have you heard the venom that comes out of her mouth when speaking about anything to do with the SNP , so no chance John . Like you I also contributed , but Marra was down my list of reasons .

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Anne Bruce August 30, 2018 / 9:52 am

    I’m utterly disgusted with the “Scottish” media that Alex Salmond’s name is in the public domain and is being blackened without sight of any evidence whatsoever. Some of them are absolutely rabid. The complainants’ names, however, remain confidential. Don’t get me wrong, their names SHOULD NOT be made public. By the same token, in the interests of justice and fairness, Alex Salmond’s should have remained confidential too.

    Of course, we don’t know how information about a confidential inquiry came to be in the hands of the press which is why the Permanent Secretary should be announcing a thorough investigation into whether the leak came from someone in the Civil Service.

    I totally agree with Mr Salmond’s action for Judicial Review of the Permanent Secretary’s investigation.

    As for the allegations themselves, these are matters for the Police and Procurator Fiscal and those who have determined he is guilty without trial and without sight of any evidence to support the allegations, should haud their wheesht (not least because they may find themselves on the wrong end of a legal action but that’s their lookout).

    Innocent until proven guilty, that is justice and that is fair and that is why I will be contributing to his crowdfunder.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. James Waugh August 30, 2018 / 1:21 pm

    As far as I understand it Alex Salmond has now separated a personal matter from the Party by resigning , obviously to try and draw the fangs of the slavering hounds of the Unionists in regard to SNP and Indy. Th CJS and the authorities need to be left to get on with their responsibilities and investigate the matters. There is no question in my mind that this should not happen. However in fairness to all we need to ensure the internal investigation that triggered this is fair and transparent it looks otherwise and that is why the judicial review is required to clarify and correct if need be the system. In the aftermath if it appears wrongdoing like leaking took place this must also be investigated fairly and effectively. There is another argument out there that the alleged culprit should remain anonymous until proceedings and opinion is divided on this but it is something to be thrashed out. Some assert that exposing the details leads to others who were fearful coming out but also it can lead to false accusation.In that case there needs to be sanctions . The Laws of Natural Justice must prevail in these matters.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ludo Thierry August 30, 2018 / 1:46 pm

    Re. Jenny Marra (‘Scottish’ Labour list MSP N.E. Scotland) – Am I correct in thinking that Scotland’s wonderful troubadour, the late Michael Marra, was her uncle? if so Jenny mibbe ought to take a gander at the lyrics of Michael Marra’s sublime official ‘unofficial’ Scottish Anthem ‘Hermless’:

    Hermless, hermless
    There’s never nae bother frae me
    Ah go tae the library an’ tak’ oot a book
    Then Ah come hame for ma tea

    Wi’ ma hand on ma heart and ma heart in ma mooth
    With arms that could reach o’er the sea
    Ma feet might be big but the insects are safe
    They’ll never get stood on by me

    Liked by 2 people

    • John August 30, 2018 / 2:39 pm

      Your correct Ludo , but Jenny thinks insects are there for her to stamp on ! .


  10. Raghnall August 30, 2018 / 10:20 pm

    It’s strange. The dodgy dossier, the dirty Tory money, the paedophile rings, the 30 odd allegations against MPs in the parliament in England…all forgotten.


    Because the British nationalist media has demonised AS. Now they are constantly linking him with rhe FM in pictures. Let’s not be blinkered. This is a two pronged attack.

    Don’t get me wrong. If and only if he is guilty, he should expect to face the consequences but, what we have now is trial by the britnat press and a presumption of guilt until proven innocent.

    Liked by 1 person

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