Scotland’s finest, our ambulance workers, fail Scotland’s media as they cope with Hogmanay demand


How could they? Scotland’s ambulance workers coped with the increased demand on Hogmanay. Don’t they know how much our Unionist media and politicians were praying for a crisis of some kind? A few deaths that could be blamed on late ambulance arrivals would have cheered their ghoulish minds, no end, but it wasn’t to be. All they could do was report grudgingly on the increased demand and ignore the performance of the staff. The Herald and BBC Scotland couldn’t bring themselves to praise the staff and went with these two:

Rise in calls to Scottish Ambulance Service over Hogmanay

Surge in Scottish ambulance calls at new year

The Daily Excess adopted a more creative approach, ignored the ambulance crews, and made up their own wee crisis, with:

‘Four 999 calls a minute: Drunk tank demands in wake of Hogmanay booze-fuelled emergencies’

I’ve dealt with the supposed demand for drunk tanks already at:

As alcohol and icy surfaces increase demand, NHS England considers dangerous ‘drunk tanks’ and sending non-specialist nurses or GPs as first responders. Scottish Ambulance Service stays calm and tweets advice

The Scottish Ambulance Service had clearly checked the weather forecasts and knew ice-free surfaces would prevent any increase they would struggle with.

As for four 999 calls a minute, 1 879 were for ambulances between midnight and seven am, according the Express report. There are 5.3 million people in Scotland and while I know many of them were safe at home or in bed in those hours, we’re talking about 0.035% of the population or, in each hour, around 0.007%, which of course, as we know, our admirable ambulance staff coped with, admirably!

16 thoughts on “Scotland’s finest, our ambulance workers, fail Scotland’s media as they cope with Hogmanay demand

  1. Kenzie January 2, 2018 / 1:28 pm

    I cannot praise our NHS staff enough – no matter in what capacity they function. I spent the best part of 2 years as an In Patient at the Southern General (I refuse to call it anything else) and I saw at first hand how hard they work, often in the most trying of conditions. I will always be grateful to every man-jack of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. William Henderson January 2, 2018 / 1:42 pm

    What a shame for the plans of the Red/Blue asset strippers!!!!

    Not an iota of an excuse left for any claims that the private sector could have done better.

    Well done NHS, and well done Holyrood for making success possible!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Colin Young January 2, 2018 / 1:56 pm

    The unionist and their media are proper and utter shits. God! I hate them.

    Liked by 1 person

      • greig12 January 4, 2018 / 1:18 am

        And ain’t that the awful bloody truth.

        The damage they are doing may have far reaching consequences for Scotland. It’s sickening both in terms of their malevolent behaviour and that even yet, many people still believe the pish they write.

        Perfidious Albion right enough.


  4. Michael Adam January 2, 2018 / 5:56 pm

    The ambulance staff do there best for everyone, I can’t praise them enough for the help they given me. If some people stopped waisting there time with unnecessary calls and allowed them to do there job. Also when you do call them, cooperate with them and do not abuse them. They have attended for your benefit and I wouldn’t blame them if they walked away and left people who abuse them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ludo Thierry January 2, 2018 / 11:24 pm

    Hi John et al. I note from holdthefrontpage that the P+J are putting up their cover price by 10p and suggesting that the rise is due to fuel prices. I suspect it has a lot more to do with falling circulations and falling advertising revenue. Hopefully the price hike will put off a few more readers who won’t then be subject to the daily diet of bile and loathing of the SNP Scottish Govt and the Indy Movement that is its stock-in-trade. See info below: (Note the editor seems to suggest he anticipates further price hikes during the year):

    Cost of fuel blamed as daily increases cover price
    by David Sharman Published 02 Jan 2018

    A regional daily has announced a cover price increase after being “particularly badly affected” by the cost of fuel.
    The Press & Journal, Aberdeen, has introduced a 10p increase for all its editions.
    Readers will now pay £1.10 from Monday to Friday, and £1.20 on Saturdays when it carries a colour supplement – the YL Magazine.
    The move was revealed in an announcement to readers by editor-in-chief Richard Neville, pictured, yesterday.

    Richard added: “The cost of the paper is expected to rise by 10-15pc in the next year and we are particularly badly affected by rises in the price of fuel.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Clydebuilt January 3, 2018 / 12:32 pm

    BBC. Radio shortbread yesterday (Tuesday 2nd) . . . Prog. “Cradle To Grave” interviewer to said to Medical Academic . . . “There have been Savage Cuts in Social Care”
    Last night was talking to an NHS occupational Therapist who agreed there had been cuts . . . but that the cuts were “Far from Savage”

    The shows presenter has a nice caring female voice, so when she stated “Savage Cuts” it wasn’t as a question it was as a fact , and was very easy to accept as being a fact by listeners. . . . . . The Term Savage Cuts went unquestioned from her interviewee.


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