Remember when it was video nasties? Then it was dangerous dogs. Then it was skinny models. Now it’s hospital infections

videonasty.jpg dangerdogs skinny



What happened to the crisis back in the 1980s, around youngsters watching images of extreme violence? Thirty to forty years later, the next generation is still watching and perhaps watching even more violent images and violent youth crime has fallen. The social scientists could find no causative link and, bored, the media gaze turned away.

What about the dangerous dogs that were causing such damage? Well, it was a statistically less significant phenomenon that you might have thought given the media frenzy and once more the media gaze has turned away. Likewise, with the images of skinny models apparently causing eating disorders, the researchers found no direct connection and the media gaze, again turned away, looking for stimulation and titillation.

Children are still watching horrific images of violence, dogs are still biting and eating disorders are still with us. All that has changed is the reporting and that in turn has changed what many members of the public think about and what they worry about.  Out of millions of stories they could have told, they, for a time, chose a few reports of violent acts by children and adolescents and made an easy connection between those and the popularity of video nasties. In so doing they chose not to tell many other stories which, had they been told, might have constructed a different reality. As audience interest began to dip, they looked around for new titillation. They did the same with the dogs and ultra-thin models until these too lost their appeal.

In Scotland, in the last few months, hospitals have suddenly become hot-beds of infection and these infections have been linked to patient deaths. Though none have been shown to have been killed by the infections just as none were shown to have been killed by fashion magazines, the stories are told in melodramatic, simplistic terms implying that they were.

You can tell that this is fake news because they were telling no such stories in such a frenzy, before, when infection rates were objectively higher, and because the English media are not telling the same story despite evidence of even greater general problems there.

What is different here, is that the Great Scottish Hospital Health Crisis is driven by a political agenda and not just by the desire to attract an audience.


4 thoughts on “Remember when it was video nasties? Then it was dangerous dogs. Then it was skinny models. Now it’s hospital infections

  1. tcrosbie20 March 22, 2019 / 7:54 am

    Another story out of nothing, its getting beyond a joke now. The BBC are a joke now, integrity gone, honesty gone, any semblance of decent journalism GONE !

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Robert Graham March 22, 2019 / 2:10 pm

    Oh dear its never ending 24 / 7 – 7 days a week Tripe

    The Unionist MSPs in Holyrood are running out of catastrophic language in which to describe any question , A difficulty or problems are not enough, its got to be disaster, catastrophic , anyone without access to the internet or other sources for their daily News must want to hide under the bed because its Armageddon out there and nothing works .

    I notice a developing Theme to the items below and the unionist MSPs haven’t quite grasped it yet , in their haste to uncover some Ammunition they are if fact assisting the Scottish government getting information out there to the public , aye you cant beat a good unionist for tenacity and getting on with the day job .

    Talking about getting on with the day job , I wonder if or when Ruthless will deem she is fit and able to return to the day job , does she need a assessment from the DWP to give her the encouragement to get off her arse and get back to work just like any other working mother has to endure , or is she special .


  3. Ludo Thierry March 22, 2019 / 5:41 pm

    As Robert says – the SNP Scottish Govt not only getting on with the ‘the day job’ but also dragging a kicking and screaming Westminster/Whitehall to get on with their ‘day jobs’ too – see link and snippets from site below regarding moves to address Scotland’s requirements for in-migration of willing folks wanting to come to Scotland to do jobs that need doing: (All this stuff will be so much easier once our fellow Scots choose Indy – and that time is getting closer by the day – see the Revoke Article 50 petition now over 3M signatures) :

    Recruitment of key workers under threat.

    Shortages of skilled workers in Scotland across key sectors of the economy such as health and social care will be made worse after Brexit, Migration Minister Ben Macpherson warned today.

    The warning forms part of the Scottish Government’s submission to the UK Government’s Migration Advisory Committee about the range of occupations which are officially classed as suffering from a shortage of staff.

    The Scottish Government has no formal role in reviews of skills shortages in Scotland, but has today published extensive evidence on issues facing a range of sectors including tourism, construction, financial services, agriculture, and education.

    In addition, a parallel report focuses on the specific issues facing health and social care, where professionals from a wide range of countries play a vital part in delivering essential services in communities all across Scotland.

    Mr Macpherson said: “The fact that there is an additional Shortage Occupation List for Scotland shows that the UK Government recognises to some extent that a one-size-fits-all approach to migration is not appropriate for Scotland, and the evidence we’ve published today shows how the list could be expanded to go some way to meeting the needs of business and public services here. However, even if adjustments are made to the Shortage Occupation List for Scotland, the UK Government’s Immigration White Paper will still have significantly damaging implications for Scotland. That is why, as well as adjusting the Shortage Occupation List for Scotland, there is increasing interest in creating tailored immigration solutions for Scotland within a UK framework.

    The Shortage Occupation Lists are decided by the UK government on the advice of the MAC, published by the UK government each year, detailing the jobs which lack sufficient trained professionals in the resident labour market, and are eligible for certain dispensations when applying for a Tier 2 (skilled worker) visa.

    The £30,000 salary threshold proposed by the UK Government’s White Paper is above the level earned by 45.4% of nurses, 25% of physiotherapists, 29.5% of occupational therapists, and 31.9% of healthcare scientists and the majority of those working in social care.


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